Tone Tags
Explanation | Information | Masterlist
Made by Honeys Sorrow!
Note: Google Form is for Questions/Adding to masterlist!
Updated on: 11/03/23

What are tone tags? Why should I use them? Well, I'm glad you asked!

What is tone?
Tone is what a phrase or statement means or comes across as despite what it's actually saying. examples of tone could be serious, joking, lighthearted, etc.
What are tone tags?
Tone Tags / Tone Indicators are things you can include with text to indicate what the tone of it is.
Why are they used?
Some people have difficulty picking up on tone. communicating through text only makes this harder due to the lack of audio and physical clues (voice inflection, body language, facial expressions, etc.) tagging what tone you are using can be very helpful for other's understanding of what you're saying, clarification, avoiding miscommunications, etc.
When/Where should they be used?
They can be used any time or place you may be communicating through text! There is no limit to how much you use them
Another friendly note!
Using tonetags doesn't always make it less of something. You CAN use /nav for not a vent but that doesn't mean you can get away with a very deep vent. You CAN use /j for something but that doesn't always mean anything. If it's offensive, harmful or anything negative, truthfully the tonetag doesn't help you get away from your actions.

Well, how do I use tone tags?? It's quite simple!
A few examples:
/j = joking
used when saying something in a joking manner
"I'll fight you /j" or "You suck /j"
/hj = half joking
used when saying something that is kind of a joke but kind of serious
"Well I am usually right /hj"
/s or /sar = sarcastic / sarcasm - "sarcasm refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say"
used when being sarcastic
"I really love feeling sad /s"
/srs = serious
used when saying something you really mean
"I really appreciate you /srs"
/nsrs = not serious
used when saying something not too seriously
"you're the worst /nsrs"
/lh = lighthearted - "free from care, or seriousness"
used when saying something lightheartedly
"hey leave me out of this /lh"
/g or /gen = genuine - "authentic; real"
used when saying something genuinely or when asking a legitimate question
"I'm proud of you /g"

Tone Tag Masterlist!

General Tonetags:
/pos or /pc - Positive connotation
/neu - Neutral / Neutral Connotation
/neg or /nc - Negative Connotation
/com or /comm - Communication
/aff - Affectionate
/h - Honest
/tq - Typing Quirk
/g or /gen - Genuine
/genq or /gq - Genuine Question
/nsrsq - Not a serious question
/jq - Joke Question
/rt or /rh - Rhetorical Question
/ot - Off Topic
/dha - Don’t have an Answer
/p - Platonic
/r - Romantic
/fa - Familial
/qp - Queer Platonic
/a - Alterous
/nsx or /ns - Not Sexual Intent
/sx - Sexual Intent
/wc - With Consent
/pda - Public Display of Attention
/jf - Joke Flirt / Joke Flirting
/nf - Not Forced
/nfta - Not Forced to Answer
/j - Joking
/hj - Half Joking
/nj - Not Joking
/cj - Coping Joke
/ij - Inside Joke
/ma - Messing Around
/npa - Not Passive Aggressive
/pa - Passive Aggressive
/ci - Caring Intent
/srs - Serious
/hsrs - Half Serious
/nsrs - Not Serious
/lh - Light Hearted
/lht - Light Hearted Tease
/lhj - Light Hearted Joke
/t - Teasing
/th - Threat
/nt - Not a Threat
/jov - Jokingly Overreacting
/hjov - Half-Jokingly Overeacting
/nav - Not a Vent
/ny - Not Yelling
/nc - Not Complaining
/lu - Little Upset
/ex - Exaggeration
/oe - Over Exaggeration
/nm - Not Mad
/nmay - Not Mad at You
/nmaa - Not Mad at Anyone
/nf - Not Forced
/np - No Pressure
/pr - Prideful / With Pride
/hpr - Half Prideful
/jpr - Jokingly Prideful / Jokingly Boasting
/npr - Not Prideful
/nb - Not Bad
/outr - Outraged
/s or /sar - Sarcastic
/lhs - Light Hearted Sarcasm
/nbt - Not a bad thing
/nbr - Not being rude
/nay - Not at You
/ay - At you
/dir - Directed
/ndir - Not Directed
/ind - Indirect
/aim - Aimed
/nbh - Nobody here
/nbyk - Nobody you know
/nbs - Nobody Specific
/otr - okay to ask for reassurance, usually reassurance that the post isn’t about you.
/q - Quote
/ly or /ly(r) - Lyric
/ref - Reference
/m - Metaphor / Metaphorically
/ly - Literal / Literally
/hyp - Hyperbole
/pl - Playful
/b - Bitter / Bitterly
/v - Vague
/nsb - Not Subtweeting
/cb - Clickbait
/f - Fake
/c - Copypasta
System Related:
/wp - Wrong Proxy
/sys - System
/iw - Innerworld
/oti - Okay to Interact
/dni - Do not Interact
/dniuc - Do not interact unless Close
/dniup - Do not interact unless partner
/dniups - Do not interact unless partner system
/otic - Okay to interact carefully/cautiously
/otig - okay to interact but please be gentle.
/pi - please interact.
/dnc - do not comment.
/otl - okay to laugh.
/pl - please laugh.
/safe - not a trick/bait. whatever this tag is added to is safe, and isn't a jump scare, a bait, or anything like that. usually added to things like, "click here," but can also be added to other things, should it be necessary.
Context Tags:/fr - feed response.
/nfr - not feed response.
/tsnc - "there is no context."
/rel - related to the same topic that was previously posted. (example, if you're posting something that has to do with your last few posts).
/kin or /k - speaking about kin mems or speaking in the context of kin. (for kinnies)
/fiction or /fic - speaking about fictional characters/events/concepts.
/echo - repeating something someone else said.
/tys or /stim - typing stim/stim